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What does it mean? It means we have one main focus. For you to rise (or rize) to the top because "Failure Is Not An Option". It is our philosophy and the foundation of our program.


We believe that nearly all artists fail because they follow, what we call, the "IF Upon A Star" strategy. I'm sure you've heard it before. It's goes something like this: "IF I can find someone who believes in me and IF I can get that person to make me a demo and IF I let enough people hear that demo... SOMEONE will discover me and give me a record deal". You might have found yourself at some point saying these same things. It's the music BUSINESS, and a business is what it is. If you were to apply the same "IF Upon A Star" strategy to another business, lets say a restaurant, it would go something like this: IF I can find someone who believes in me and IF that person could make me a demo sandwich and IF I let enough people bite that sandwich... SOMEONE will discover me and give me a restaurant. It sounds ridiculous, yet this is the plan nearly all upcoming recording artists execute. The result: NOTHING EVER HAPPENS!!!


Why do we think like this when it comes to a career in the entertainment industry? It is the negative conditioning and brainwashing we receive from society, family, and friends. Claiming that you want a career as a recording artist makes people see you as an unrealistic dreamer. In some cases, they see us as a wanna-be or a loser. We become embarrassed to show people how serious we are about this career choice. So we treat it like a hobby. This way people can accept it better. But as a result, we never do what needs to be done to make a career out of our musical talents. You just fight the desire to make your career as a recording artist, a reality, while you continue to take your life down a path you don't want to go. I find people's negative view on a career in the entertainment industry crazy. IT'S A MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY. It has an UNLIMITED amount of room for new artists. So there IS a place in it for you.


Until now, artists that were brave enough to forge forward and make an attempt at a career as a recording artist, had virtually NO options. Music schools and institutes are designed to pacify you. They are constructed to give you the ILLUSION that you are doing something for your vocal career. But the curriculum won’t provide you with the tools you need to achieve your musical goals. In the end, you are out of tens of thousands of dollars and have only a XEROXED, certified, piece of paper to show for it. Then, you're back in the real world, right where you left off. Only this time, you need to work two jobs to pay off the school debt you just incurred. Again, having NOTHING to show for it.


You can ask most artists what's going on with their career and they CAN'T give you a solid answer. You hear answers like: "I'm trying to get a demo together", "I have a friend, who has a friend, who wants to let his friend, at a record company, hear me", or you'll hear the worst answer of them all... "Nothing".


If you ask one of iRize’s artists the same question. What’s going on with your career? They CAN give you solid answers like: “I’m in the studio now recording my first single”, “I just shot my 2nd music video” or you’ll hear the best answer of them all… “I have my 1st single out, I’m touring, and I’m right where I want to be”. Now ask yourself, which one are you? Now ask yourself, which one do you want to be?


iRize collaborates with teams of specialists that will provide you with everything you need. We provide you with the training, the education, the music, the video production, and most important, the consulting. Preparing you for everything that’s musically in store for you. There’s NO music career obstacles you can’t break through with iRize by your side. We’re with you EVERY step of the way. We give you guarantees in an industry that has conditioned you to believe there are no guarantees.


About Us - iRize International
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